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Sometimes I hear that an inform-style presentation is “just sharing information.”
“But why are you informing?” I’ll ask.
“It’s just an update. We’ve always done it this way.”
And then I channel my inner toddler: “But why? What do you want them to know?”
“Uhh... the updates?”
It’s never just an ‘inform’. There’s always a deeper purpose. Once you find it, you don’t just have a presentation – you have the chance to make an impact.
Inform-style presentations often fall flat because we think our job is to tick boxes and call it a day. But there’s always a ‘why’ behind the scenes. If you’re asked to give an ‘update’, dig deeper.
Knowing where your audience is now (Point A) and where you want them to go (Point B) is the key. Here’s how:
The Big Idea: What’s the one thing you want them to know? Be persuasive – yes, even in an ‘inform’ presentation. As my colleague Jane Sheffield says: “Imagine you only have five seconds with your audience. You have to run in, yell the most important thing, and run back out. What would you yell?”
The Outcome: What do you want them to think, feel, and do? Be specific, realistic, and clear about the actions and timelines.
The Obstacles: What’s standing in the way? Rational (resources), emotional (biases), situational (distractions), or personal (reputation) factors could all play a role. Know them, and you can navigate them.
Only include material that helps get your audience to Point B. If it doesn’t help, cut it.
Next time you’re asked to present an ‘update’, push back. Find your Point B and make the journey worth their while. You might even take your audience further than they expected.
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