Informing isn’t presenting – why some speakers fall flat - The Pickering Group

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Informing isn’t presenting – why some speakers fall flat

Have you ever sat through a presentation only to realise the next day that you can’t even remember what was said?

Nine times out of ten, irrelevant talks come from what I call “Informers.” These are seemingly jaded, and somewhat lifeless speakers. They aren’t poor presenters per se – they’ve grown past the usual nervous habits – yet they seem to offer nothing worth remembering.

Here’s the problem with Informers: they provide information without intention. And of all the speaker archetypes that I encounter, this one is the most common. 

Informers are everywhere – wasting what could be interesting ideas with dull, uninspiring presentations. Ultimately, their audience ends up tuning out or forgetting most of what they say.

No one’s inspired by a status update

People are rarely born Informers. Informers tend to evolve from speakers who were once Evaders, Wafflers, or Readers who have learned - through practice and experience - how to reign in their nervous habits. 

They’ve usually been told what NOT to do when they present, so they end up doing nothing but relaying unstructured, irrelevant information. But, here’s the thing: no one cares.

Information, in and of itself, surrounds us everyday – in the news we read, the infinite internet library, the unread books stacked on our shelves. Yet we rarely seek out or remember most of what we come across. The information that sticks in people’s minds – and what inspires action down the line – is that which intentionally holds together relevant information with compelling evidence and captivating stories.

Informers rarely need too much help with the mechanics of delivery. What they lack is a motivating and clear objective that brings their ideas to life.

The intention of a message is what gives it power. 

Some Informers find themselves caught in this archetype because of burnout, boredom, or continuous roadblocks in their journey. Maybe they’ve tried to bring energy and passion to their subject before only to get silenced, pushed back, or ignored. The result can be a defeatist mindset, a lack of motivation

Informers exist in what I call the “Twilight Zone” of the archetypal model, half-lit between the shadows and the spotlight. They are neither succeeding nor failing, inspiring nor deterring. But twilight is also a point of transition – and it can signify the end or the beginning of a new speaking journey.

Informers are anything but stuck.

In fact, they are sitting at just the right place to go on and become incredibly effective presenters – with just a few crucial changes to their mindset and their approach.

No one needs another dull presentation that they’ll forget about in a day. If you feel like you might be an Informer and you’re ready to transition into a presenter who
ignites meaningful action from your audience – get in touch.

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