Suzi McAlpine interviews Russell Pickering - The Pickering Group

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Suzi McAlpine's interview with Russell

Recently I had a blast chatting to my good mate Suzi McAlpine about my new book Step into the Spotlight. Suzi is author of the bestselling book Beyond Burnout and pens the award winning blog The Leader's Digest where she writes and chats about all things…you guessed it…leadership. If you’re not subscribed, you should be. It’s terrific. You may also remember Suzi from the webinar we did together with Harold Hillman back in June of 2020.
You can check out the interview in the link below. In a little over twenty minutes we covered:

  • How presenting virtually differs from in-person
  • Some of the biggest myths when it comes to presenting
  • How you ‘fill a room’ and deliver with energy and conviction, while maintaining your authenticity
  • Where so many of us go wrong, and some tips for better preparation and messaging
  • The common presenting mistake that really gets me riled up

Suzi also gave Step into the Spotlight a wonderful endorsement on her latest blog post: “I strongly believe that while Russell’s book is relevant for so many people in the workplace, it’s a must-buy for leaders.”
You can buy your copy or download a sample chapter here.

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Step into the Spotlight

Russell's book is available now
Find out more.