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I recently ran a mastery programme. Four half-day workshops and coaching sessions, with eight people in the group. All the participants were highly skilled professionals who dealt with figures and analysis for a living. They worked by and for the balance sheet. But the result of living in this world was that they were all heavy on the rational side of explaining: they were the Informer archetype.
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If you want to capture your audience’s attention – and their hearts and minds – then relevant, engaging content is going to be a top priority. If you understand your audience, you’re that much closer to creating content that really resonates with them.
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We’ve been forced to show up a lot already this year. Many of us have had homes or workplaces affected in the flooding and, if we didn’t, then chances were high that we knew neighbours or family members who were impacted.
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Just a short note from me to wish you all the very best Christmas wishes and special time with your favourite people over the break.
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Courage trumps confidence. Where confidence is a feeling (and I don’t know about you, but I haven’t yet mastered total control over my feelings!) courage is a decision – a choice we make about how we show up.
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Would you recognise a Waffler or Trickster presenter? Do you know how to spot if you’re a Reader – and more importantly, do you know how to become The Inspirer?
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Communication is an evolving art. Not only does that keep people like me very busy, but it means that we need to keep an eye on evolving trends – lest we get left behind!
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In the Chinese Zodiac, 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit. Known for being calm, collected, and graceful, those born in the Year of the Rabbit are told to bring hope and peace to the world.
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What’s the most important section of any presentation? I’ll give you a hint – you’re reading it right now. The opening lines of a presentation are crucial. It’s when your audience starts to form their assumptions about you and your message – and these first impressions can be hard to shift later down the line. Nail your first three minutes with a new audience, and you have a much better chance of keeping them engaged throughout the rest of your presentation.
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Have you ever sat through a presentation only to realise the next day that you can’t even remember what was said?
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